運輸學刊 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation
202312 (35:4期)期所有篇
導入多元運具組合於交通行動服務之方案設計與選擇模式 Introducing the Combination of Multiple Modes into the Scenario Design and Choice Model of MaaS
考慮重疊服務區域和隨機需求的最佳派送服務區域劃分問題 Optimal Delivery Districting Planning Problem with Overlapping Service Regions and Stochastic Demands
影響高速公路事故發生之車流特性暨即時交通事故預測模式之研究 The Effects of Traffic Characteristics on Crash Occurrence and Real-time Traffic Crash Prediction Model on Taiwan Freeways
校園交通車及公務車電動化的環境效益與擁有成本分析:以臺灣大學為例 Environmental Benefits and Ownership Costs of University Fleet Electrification: A Case Study of National Taiwan University