中文摘要 |
2020年6月臺灣大學發布首本《大學社會責任報告書》,宣示將在2048年達成校園碳中和的目標;其中的「運具電動化」為交通議題中的重要一環。本研究分別針對燃油車與電動車,以經濟與環境層面分析個案條件下,校園車隊電動化的潛在優劣。經濟層面評估採取總擁有成本(total cost of ownership, TCO)法,以計算擁有車輛的生命週期成本,並進行敏感性分析。環境層面的評估則是透過GREET (greenhouse gases, regulated emissions, and energy use in transportation)生命週期評估(life cycle assessment, LCA)模型之參數在地化,評估車輛對環境影響。研究結果顯示,電動車現階段不具成本優勢,且由於個案的特殊情境(部分車種年行駛里程較短),其車輛製造階段的氧化硫排放量遠大於燃油車,進而造成電動車每公里產生的空氣污染外部成本為燃油車之2-3倍。 |
英文摘要 |
In June 2020, National Taiwan University released its first University Social Responsibility Report, detailing all the campus-wide efforts on sustainable developments—including its commitment to become Carbon-Neutral Campus by 2048. Vehicle electrification is believed to be an important action to achieve the climate goal. It is of timely importance to have an evaluation framework for exploring the potential tradeoffs between environmental and economic aspects involved in the near-term evolution. In the economic aspect, the total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis results highlight the importance of government subsidies and lower battery costs for electric vehicle fleets to achieve TCO parity with their fuel-powered counterparts. In the environmental aspect, the life-cycle assessment (LCA), derived from the GREET-Taiwan model (greenhouse gases, regulated emissions, and energy use in transportation), suggests that while fleet electrification could reduce life-cycle energy use and carbon emissions, it will cause more air pollution by creating much more sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions on the basis of per km—owing to the low vehicle use intensity of university fleets. |