運輸學刊 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation |
200406 (16:2期)期所有篇 |
- 以螞蟻群聚最佳化整合基因演算法求解無資源限制單一指派中位轉接點問題 Integrating Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Algorithms to Solve Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem
- 亞洲地區國際機場之營運效率評估資料包絡分析法之應用 Evaluation of the Operational Efficiency of Major Airports in the Asia Region: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
- 資料包絡分析法應用於散裝航運公司營運績效之評估 Application of DEA to the Evaluation of the Operational Performance of Bulk Shipping Firms
- 非號誌化路口違規駕駛行為影響因素之研究 An Investigation of Factors Influencing Driving Violation Behaviors at Non-signalized Intersections