問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
201806 (57:2期)期所有篇 |
- 跨大西洋貿易與投資夥伴協定與歐美食安法規合作:以危害分析重要管制點(HACCP)制度為例 he Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the US-EU Cooperation on Food Safety: An Example of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
- 2014年日本安倍首相解散眾議院之分析 A Study on Prime Minister Abe's Dissolution of the House of Representatives in 2014
- 21世紀中國與印度競合模式分析 A Study of Competition-Cooperation Between India and China in the 21st Century
- 形塑中的印太:動力、論述與戰略布局 The Making of “Indo-Pacific”: Driving Forces, Diverse Discourses and Contending Strategies