問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
201306 (52:2期)期所有篇 |
- 一九七九年以來美臺關係之演變 US-Taiwan Relations Since 1979
- 半總統制下的國會監督--從法制面比較台灣與法國國會的監督能量 Parliamentary Oversight Capacity under A Semi-Presidential System - An Institutional Comparison between Taiwan's Legislative Yuan and the French National Assembly
- 當代俄屬遠東黃禍論--身分、利益的解構與建構 On Contemporary Yellow Peril in the Russian Far East: The Deconstruction and Construction of Identities and Interests
- 全球化下的災害治理:以東日本大地震國際救災協力為例 Realizing Disaster Governance in a Globalizing World: A Scrutiny of Disaster Relief Cooperation on the 311 Earthquake