問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
200109 (40:5期)期所有篇 |
- 從李前總統訪日看日本外交決策過程 Japan's Foreign Policy Decision Making Process and President Lee Teng-hui's Visit to Japan
- 日本第四十二屆眾議院選舉研析 An Analysis of Japan's 2000 Diet Election
- 金大中金融改革與南韓政經體制的轉變 Change in South Korea's Political Economic Institutions: Kim Dajung's Financial Reform
- 二00一年泰國大選的政經分析 The Political Economy of Thailand's 2001 General Election
- 立法委員正式與非正式立法參與之研究:以第三屆立法院為例 An Exploratory Study on formal and Informal Legislative Participation: The Case of the Third Legislative Yuan
- 民調在競選中的角色:以二000年台灣總統大選中「未表態選民」為例 Polling in Campaigning: The Formation and Effect of Non-response Voters in Taiwan's Presidential Election 2000