基於知識本體之文獻多維度關聯視覺化導覽平臺 An Ontology-based Navigation Platform for Browsing Multi-dimensional Relationships of Academic Papers
預測盜版軟體的使用:知覺風險、軟體成本、道德義務與計劃行為理論之整合模式 Predicting the Use of Pirated Software: Integrating Perceived Risk, Software Cost, and Moral Obligation with the Theory of Planned Behavior
一個互動式演化計算運行框架: 以最佳化產品設計為例 An Interactive Evolutionary Computation Framework: A Case Study of the Optimal Product Design
像素不擴展之漸進式視覺密碼 Progressive Visual Cryptography with Unexpanded Shares
網路論壇口碑強度、雙面訊息與口碑順序對說服效果之影響--產品涉入之干擾效應 Persuasive Effects of Argument Strength, Message Sidedness and Order of Word-of-Mouth in On-line Forums: The Moderating Role of Involvement
國內第三代行動電話服務之需求預測 Forecasting Demand for the Third Generation Mobile Service in Taiwan