地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201205 (56期)期所有篇 |
- 以永續空間及挹注財務觀點建立捷運車站土地開發機制之研究:區段徵收制度為軸之詮釋 A Study of Land Development Mechanism Incorporated with MRT Station Based on the Perspective of Sustainable Spatial Structure and Financial Cost : An Interpretation Based on the Zone Expropriation
- 都市土地利用與人口老化對基層醫療資源分布之影響:以臺北市為例 The Effect of Urban Landuse and Population Aging to Primary Medical Resources Distribution in Taipei City
- 從社會生產關係探討魚池鄉紅茶產業變遷影響 The influence of social relation of production on black tea industry change in Yuchih Township
- 逃避主義與開發新樂園的辯證:臺中公園地景的型塑 Dialectics of Escapism and Paradise Deuelopment : Shaping Taichung Park Landscape