地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
200805 (48期)期所有篇 |
- 雲林縣口湖地區土壤鹽化現象的研究 The Study of Soil Salinization in Kouhu region, Yunlin County
- 臺北市景美溪下游河川環境教育發展現況與策略規劃 Current Development of River Environmental Education and Strategic Planning in the Lower Ching-Mei Strean, Taipei
- 一九二○年臺灣地名變更及其語音變化 Plaace-Name Changes of Taiwan in 1920 : A Brief Study Into Its Origin and Phonetic Transition
- 高中地理科全球教育的實踐:兩岸學生網路合作學習的教學設計案例 Fulfilling Global Education in High School Geography Curriculum : the Teaching Design Case of Internet Cooperative Learning for Students on Both Sides of Taiwan Strait
- 歐洲整合的「空間」概念之演變 Evolution of European Integrated Spatiality Concept
- 東南亞--地名變遷與地理區劃 Southeast Asia : Toponomic Change and Geographical Demarcation