生物學報 BioFormosa |
2001 (36:1期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣家族性高膽固醇血症患者低密度脂蛋白突變受體的表現 Expression of Mutations in the Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor Gene Associated with Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Taiwan
- 人類非小細肺癌細胞攜帶第一型皰疹病毒胸腺嘧啶激素的細胞自戕現象與週期蛋白的活化調控 Cell Cycle Regulator Activation Induced by Ganciclovir in Human Non-small Lung Cancer Cells, CL-1, Transfected with Herpes Simplex Virus-thymidine Kinase
- 蕹菜種子萌發初期釋出性澱粉?的純化與性質分析 Purification and Characterization of the Excreted α-Amylase from Germinating Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk) Seeds
- 十一種台灣產樹蛙吸盤形態之比較 The SEM Comparative Study on Toe Pads among 11 Species of Tree Frogs from Taiwan
- 校對紅藻之β-tubulin 基因:ancient sorting 或快速演化 Revisiting the β-Tubulin Genes in the Red Alga Genus Chondrus: Ancient Lineage Sorting or Faster Evolution
- 記台灣網柱細胞黏茵——新紀錄種 Notes on a Dictyostelid Cellular Slime Mold New to Taiwan