醫療人員與社交型機器人於長照機構帶領音樂欣賞團體治療療效因子之比較研究 A comparative study of the therapeutic factor of music listening group therapy in elderly care center directed by social robot and medical staff
於常規上消化道內視鏡檢查中偶然發現腸胃道淋巴癌 Incidental finding of a patient with gas-trointestinal follicular lymphoma: a case report
右側陰囊靜脈曲張: 一項腎細胞癌罕見的臨床表現 Right scrotal wall varicosis: an uncom-mon clinical manifestation of renal cell carcinoma
人生哲學課程對於職能治療學系學生心靈安適感之影響—前趨研究 The effect of philosophy of life courses on the spiritual well-being of Occupa-tional Therapy students—a pilot study