基督教歌曲應用於慢性思覺失調症患者歌唱團體之療效因子研究 Therapeutic factors in christian song singing group for patients with chronic schizophrenia
利用貝氏量表評估台灣長期照護之男性老年居民的營養不良風險 Risk assessment of malnutrition among older male long-term care residents in Taiwan using the Barthel Index
新冠疫苗引起免疫血栓性血小板低下症合併腦靜脈竇栓塞-診斷與治療 COVID-19 vaccine–induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis -for rapid diagnosis and treatment in emergency department
或能以質子密度脂肪抑制核磁共振影像早期發現與地諾單抗相關連非典型股骨骨折之前驅骨髓水腫:一則案例報告 Possible early detection of prodromal bone marrow edema in atypical femoral fracture associated with denosumab by fat-suppressed proton density mri - a case report
台灣護理與COVID-19疫苗接種程序概要 A synopsis of nursing and COVID-19 vaccination procedures within the confines of Taiwan