譯本愛爾蘭:傅利耦的《翻譯》 Translating Ireland: Brian Friel's Translations
世界英文文學的在地化:新興英文文學與美國弱勢族裔文學研究在台灣 The Localization of World Literatures in English: The Study of New Literatures in English and American Ethnic Literatures in Taiwan
重繪文學版圖?:後現代;後殖民與全球英文書寫的反思 Remapping English and American Literature?: Postmodernism, Postcolonialism and the Issue Involved in the Globalization of English Writing
異界的分裂點:迪力羅小說《名稱》中康德式沙德現象與巔峰經驗 Difference of the Void as Otherness: On Kantian-Sadean Enjoyment and Sublimity in Don DeLillo's The Names
甘為他者盤飧:馬夏.諾曼《晚安,媽》劇中之自殺以求重生 Eaten by the Other: Killing to Call for Resurrection in Marsha Norman's 'Night, Mother