長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
202309 (34:3期)期所有篇 |
- 復健期重度燒傷病患疤痕與身體心像及生活品質之關係 Body Image and Quality of Life in patients with burned scar during rehabilitation
- 高齡模擬體驗對臨床護理教師的老化知識、態度、同理心及照顧意願之成效 Effects of Elderly Simulation Experience on Aging Knowledge, Attitudes, Empathy, and Willingness to Care for Seniors in Clinical Nurse Preceptor
- 膀胱癌病人接受治療導致下泌尿道症狀臨床評估及護理處置 Clinical Evaluation and Nursing Management of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Bladder Cancer Patients
- 以實證觀點探討失智症行為精神症狀之照護 Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms for Dementia: An Evidence-based Perspective
- 提升高壓氧治療作業完整性 Improving the Integrity of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Operation
- 降低腎臟科病房腹膜透析病人腹膜炎發生率 Reducing the Incidence of Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients in Nephrology Ward
- 降低學齡前期住院病童焦慮之改善專案 Project to Improve Medical Team Resources to Reduce Anxiety of Preschool-Aged Sick Children
- 照顧一位急性骨髓性白血病復發病人之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Recurrent Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- 以跨領域團隊合作照護一位腦膜炎青少女之護理經驗 The Experience of Caring a Female Adolescent Diagnosed with Meningitis through Inter-Professional Practice
- 一位憂鬱症患者服用巴拉刈自殺之急診護理經驗 The Emergency Nursing Care Experience of Caring a Patient with Depressive Disorder Who Committed Suicide by Taking Paraquat
- 「獨智」不孤單:照顧一位獨居失智長者之社區護理經驗 Community Nursing Care Experience for a Living Alone Elderly people with Dementia
- 獨居重症燒燙傷病人復健期併無力感之照護經驗 Experience of Caring a Patient with Severe Burn who was Alone and Powerless to Cooperate during the Rehabilitation Period