長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201103 (22:1期)期所有篇 |
- 膀胱過動症患者之生活品質影響與因應行為探討 A Study of Life Quality and Coping Behavior of Overactive Bladder Patients
- 女性護理人員生涯自我效能及生涯阻礙之研究 The Study of Career Self-Efficacy and Career Barriers among Female Nursing Staff
- 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症候群主要危險因子探討 Essential Risk Factors Related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
- 細胞表皮生長因子受體與乳癌標靶治療 Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Targeted Therapy for Breast Cancer
- 善終之概念分析 Concept Analysis of Good Dying
- 有氧運動與中老年婦女的睡眠問題 Aerobic Exercise and Sleep Problems of Middle-Older Aged Women
- 燒傷病人疼痛護理改善專案 Project: Improvement for Burn Patients’ Pain Management
- 降低病房檢體異常之改善專案 Reducing the Number of Abnormal Specimens
- 照顧一位人工膝關節置換術後併發周邊血管阻塞病患的護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with Complication of Peripheral Vessel Occlusion after Total Knee Replacement
- 運用跨理論模式協助一位酮酸中毒青少女血糖控制之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Using Transtheoretical Model to Glycemic Control in an Adolescent with Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- 照顧一位罹患第一型糖尿病之青少年接受透析之經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Receiving Hemodialysis
- 運用治療性遊戲協助肌肉萎縮症兒童處理情緒 Application of Therapeutic Plays to the Emotion Handling of Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- 照顧一位肝癌復發個案行射頻燒灼術之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recrudescence Following Radiofrequency Ablation
- 急性胰臟炎合併肋膜積水病患之照護經驗 A Caring Experience for a Patient Suffering from Acute Pancreatitis with Pleural Effusion
- 一位肝臟撕裂傷患麻醉期間發生惡性高溫之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Liver Laceration Surgery Patient who Suffered from Malignant Hyperthermia during General Anesthesia