長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200706 (18:2期)期所有篇 |
- 續發性經痛婦女的經痛經驗與希望之相關探討 Exploring Relationships among the Dysmenorrhea Experience and Hope in Women with Secondary Dysmenorrhea
- 自殺病人接受精神醫療照護的住院經驗 The Experiences of Receiving Psychiatric Nursing Care during Hospitalization for Patients Who Had Suicidal Ideas or Attempts
- 初探嗜中性白血球缺乏合併發燒癌童入院之等待處理時間 The Pilot Study of Admission Waiting Time for Cancer Children with Febrile Neutropenia
- 腦中風病患發病時的自我覺察與尋求醫療處置方式之探討 Preliminary Study of Self-awareness and Medical Management Seeking Behaviors of Stroke Patients at Onset
- 幻聽的症狀及其因應策略 Symptoms and Coping Strategies of Auditory Hallucination
- 從傳統中醫學的觀點談便秘的中醫照護 Constipation Nursing Care from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- 復健病患之堅毅性概念分析 Hardiness of Rehabilitative Patients: A Concept Analysis
- 子宮動脈栓塞術治療子宮肌瘤及其照護 Uterine Artery Embolization for Uterine Fibroids
- 從實證護理的觀點談新生兒杯餵 A View of Evidence-based Nursing on Cupfeeding of Neonates
- 應用跨理論模式發展糖尿病患者飲食行為修正方案 Using Transtheoretical Model to Develop a Protocol for Diet Behavioral Modification in Patients with Diabetes
- 某區域醫院肺結核病患護理指導之改善 Improvement of the Tuberculosis Nursing Guidelines in a District General Hospital
- 提升某加護中心護理人員執行身體約束護理之正確率 Improving the Accuracy Rate of Physical Restraint Application at an Intensive Care Unit
- 照護一位唇顎裂青少年病患之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of an Adolescent Patient with Cleft Lip and Palate
- 一位肝硬化合併食道靜脈瘤出血病患的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Patient with Liver Cirrhosis Combined Esophageal Varices Hemorrhage
- 一位成人急性淋巴性白血患者接受化學治療之照護經驗 The Nursing Experience of an Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy
- 照顧一位慢性疼痛個案對藥物依賴之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience for A Drug-dependent Patient of Chronic Pain
- 虛擬實境應用於一位燒燙傷兒童疼痛減輕成效之初探 An Exploration of Virtual Reality for the Relief of Pediatric Burn Pain