長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200209 (13:3期)期所有篇 |
- 肝移植手術後病人生活品質之初探 A Preliminary Study of Quality of Life in Post Liver Transplantation Patients
- 衛生教育對中風病患主要照顧者疾病認知、社會支持及照顧負荷之影響 The Effects of Health Education on Disease Cognition, Social Support, and Burden of Main Caregivers of Stroke Patients
- 急診留觀區病患之需求探討 Patient's Needs in the Observation Room of the Emergency Department
- 更年期婦女自覺不確定感及健康行為之探討 Perceived Uncertainty and Health Behaviors of Perimenopausal Women
- 護病關係中的情感反轉移 Transference and Counter-transference in the Nurse-Patient Relationship
- 寧握護理在新生兒之應用 The Use of Containment in the Care of Compromised Newborns
- 口腔黏膜改變患者之照護 Oral Care of Patients with Oral Mucous Membrane Altered
- 老人急性混亂的概念與護理 Nursing Care of the Elderly with Acute Confusion
- 探討長期照護機構失能住民口腔衛生改善專案 Exploring Oral Hygiene Project for Frail Elders in a Long-Term Care Institution
- 運用羅氏適應模式照護一位失智症患者之臨床經驗 An Application of Roy's Adaptation Model to Care of a Dementia Patient