文化研究 Router:A Journal of Cultural Studies |
201703 (24期)期所有篇 |
- 研究論文國家博物館與文化公民資格:杜正勝故宮改革中的多元文化與原住民 National Museum, Cultural Citizenship and Indigenous Peoples: National Palace Museum Reforms under Tu Cheng-sheng
- 藝術、國家、個人:日本近代之例 Art, the Nation, and the Individual in Japanese modern society
- 展示建物與祭儀空間的神聖轉位:無土無村無屋無節慶之當代北海道愛努族的認同機制 Displayed Houses as Sacralized Space: on Identity Mechanism of the Landless Hokkaido Ainu
- 《漁港夢百年》的香港殖民史敘事 The Narrative of Hong Kong Colonial History in Centry-Old Dreams Of A Fishing Harbour
- 窘境美學:臺灣時尚部落格中的後殖民與後女性政略 Towards an Aesthetic of Awkwardness: The Postcolonial and Postfeminist Politics of Fashion Blogs in Taiwan
- 巴迪悟.318
- 回應〈巴迪悟.318〉
- 導論:《電光影裡斬春風:武士道分流與滲透的新詮釋》 Introduciton
- 評張崑將教授之《電光影裏斬春風:武士道分流與滲透的新詮釋》 A Review of Prof. Chang, Kun-Chiang 's “To Sever the Spring Breeze in a Lightning Flash”: A New Interpretation of the Dissemination and Acceptance of Bushido
- 在「原型」與「源流」之間的武士道:評張崑將《電光影裏斬春風:武士道分流與滲透的新詮釋》 In the “Prototype” and “Origin” between the Bushido: Review of Kun-Chiang Chang's “To Sever the Spring Breeze in a Lightning Flash”: A New Interpretation of the Dissemination and Acceptance of Bushido
- 書評:張崑將《電光影裏斬春風:武士道分流與滲透的新詮釋》 A book Review: Chang, Kun-Chiang's “To Sever the Spring Breeze in a Lightning Flash”: A New Interpretation of the Dissemination and Acceptance of Bushido
- 跨文化武士道:評《電光影裏斬春風:武士道分流與滲透的新詮釋》 Transcultural Bushido: A Review on Chang, Kun-Chiang's “To Sever the Spring Breeze in a Lightning Flash”: A New Interpretation of the Dissemination and Acceptance of Bushido
- 回憶社會學家黃金麟 Reminiscence of a fine sociologist–Jinlin Hwang
- 海天寥廓立多時:追思黃金麟 Standing Long in Front of the Immense Skies and Seas–In Remembrance of Jinlin Hwang
- 以人為本的歷史社會學:黃金麟的學術關懷及其貢獻 Historical Sociology Based on Human Beings: In Remembrance of Jinlin Hwang
- 懷念金麟 In Remembrance of Jinlin
- 黃金麟(1961-2017)年表 Jinlin Hwang (1961-2017): A Biography
- 殘響世界抗歷史減噪? Realm of Reverberations: Against the noise reduction of the history