女學學誌:婦女與性別研究 Journal of Women's and Gender Studies |
201106 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 為何從母姓?--夫妻約定子女姓氏的影響因素調查 Why Taking Mother’s Surname? Investigating the Factors That Influence Taiwanese Married Couples’Decision on Their Children’s Surnames
- 誰在擲石頭?2009年臺灣商業性交易論述之運動語藝分析 Stoned by Whom? A Rhetorical Analysis of Taiwan’s Commercial Sex Trade Discourse in 2009
- 依違於中心與邊陲之間 --論邱妙津作品中的女同志文化菁英氣質與性別邊緣位置 Nestled Between the Center and the Edge: Discussion about the Temperament of Lesbian Cultural Elites and the Marginal Position of Gender in Qiu Miaojin’s Works
- 教師性別意識與教學困境--反思中小學教師的性別教育課程設計與教學實踐 Teachers’ Gender Consciousness and Difficulties in Teaching: Reflection on Gender Curriculum Design and Teaching Practice of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers