女學學誌:婦女與性別研究 Journal of Women's and Gender Studies
200211 (14期)期所有篇
性別、醫師專業和個人選擇:臺灣與中國女醫師的教育與職業選擇,1930-1950 Gender, Medical Profession and Individual Choice:Educational and Occupational Choice of Women Doctors in Taiwan and China, 1930-1950
戰後臺灣婦產科的手術技藝與性別政治 The Surgical Technique and Sexual Politics of Gynecology in Post-War Taiwan
身體、性別與性教育:女性主義的觀點 Body, Gender and Sex Education;Feminist Perspectives
性別識盲及其不滿:以精神病為論述對象 Gender Illiteracy and Its Discontent:A Dialogue with the Psychopathological Discourse
兩性平權在家庭:婚姻與家庭涉入的省思 Gender Equity in Family:The Reflection of Marriage and Family Involvement
教師與學生之性別意識:以一個性別相關課程為場域 Teacher-Student Interaction of Gender Consciousness in a Gender-Related Class