管理評論 Management Review |
202301 (42:1期)期所有篇 |
- 農緯果菜公司的數位轉型之路:朝向顧客管理或田間管理的兩難 The Direction of Digital Transformation of Nongwei Greens: The Dilemma towards Customer Management or Farm Management
- 優達創意教育──教育產品數位化商業模式的選擇 Dr. Kids Creativity Education—Choice of Business Model for Digitizing Educational Products
- 環海淨塑的「塑環真」循環杯──一次性紙杯的數位化轉型 PlastiCircular Cups by Blue Ocean Vision─The Digital Transformation of Disposable Paper Cups
- 亮威菸酒──服務數位轉型:滾動計算缺貨落點結合Line快速推播補貨服務平台 Liang-Wei Tobacco and Alcohol—The Digital Transformation: Using the Rolling Calculation of Out-of-Stock Placement to Provide a Customized System Employing Line for Rapid Notification and Broadcasting of Replenishment Service Platforms
- 慶生堂──自品牌「玩美」體驗行銷數位化 CHING SENG TONG Cosmetic Co., Ltd.—Own Brand Digital Experience Marketing by“Prefect Beauty”
- 掌門精釀啤酒──FB社群行銷行不行? Zhangmen Craft Brewery—Is FB Social Media OK?