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The Direction of Digital Transformation of Nongwei Greens: The Dilemma towards Customer Management or Farm Management
作者 陳振燧黃銘章 (Ming-Chang Huang)鍾啟宏孫詩蘋粘緯豐
農緯果菜有限公司,是國內首家通過產銷履歷流通分裝驗證的蔬果分裝廠,產品主要供應家樂福、新光三越、City’Super等超市。目前農緯公司合作的蔬菜生產端農友約有100名,產銷履歷驗證合作種植面積超過120公頃。顧客訂單增加,農緯公司原有的試算表處理軟體早已不敷使用,反覆確認訂單耗時費力,錯單衍生退換貨損失,總經理黃謙一開始思考應透過數位轉型來解決與顧客端之間業務往來的正確性與效率問題。但另一方面,農緯公司曾因為契作的農友沒有遵守農藥使用規定,遭衛生單位抽驗出農藥殘留超標,導致鉅額罰款損失。田間管理影響蔬菜供應的數量與品質,源頭管理沒有資訊化,難以通過驗證。農緯公司嘗試「農易訂」系統, 希望能改善並降低處理顧客訂單的錯誤率,也評估「智耕雲」系統,期待能強化田間管理,農緯公司的規模及資源有限,無法同時導入「農易訂」與「智耕雲」這兩套系統,到底要先做哪一個?黃謙一很為難……。
Nongwei Greens (hereafter as Nongwei) is the first vegetable and fruit packing plant that get traceability accreditation. Top supermarkets such as Carrefour, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store, and City’s Super are the major customers of Nongwei. Produces come from 120 hectares of farm, in which a hundred farmers collaborate with Nongwei. With the increase in customer orders, Nongwei suffers from the original documents that process by Excel software. Repeated confirmation of orders takes a lot manpower and time. Inaccurately orders processing lead to loss for produces return and exchange handling. The general manager of Nongwei, Qianyi Huang, begins to think about digital transformation to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the orders processing. On the other hand, Nongwei has been checked by the health units for excessive pesticide residues several times that results from the non-compliance of the pesticide use regulations by the contracted farmers. This results in huge fines and losses. Farm management affects the quantity and quality of vegetable supply. Without digitalization to manage the process of produce planting, and it is difficult to pass verification. Nongwei try to introduce two digital technologies, named “Agrigo” and “Join Farm”, to handle the planting and order processing problems simultaneous. However, resources limitation leads to Nongwei unable to introduce these two digital technologies at the same time. Which should be first? Qianyi Huang is in a dilemma.
起訖頁 1-21
關鍵詞 數位轉型智慧農業利用性轉型探索性轉型Digital transformationIntelligent agricultureExploitative transformationExploratory transformation
刊名 管理評論  
期數 202301 (42:1期)
出版單位 財團法人光華管理策進基金會
該期刊-下一篇 優達創意教育──教育產品數位化商業模式的選擇




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