運用多維式概念圖建構協同學習課程體之研究 A Study on Applying Multidimensional Concept Maps to Construct Collaborative Learning Courseware
分利集團、赤字財政與政府的兩難困境 On Distributional Coalitions, Deficit Financing and the Government Dilemma
當代臺灣關於生態環境、代際正義、人文資產的可持續發展之思想探索 On the Sustainable Development of Ecological Environment, Intergenerational Justice and Human Assets in Contemporary Taiwan
CEO雙元性、財務決策對公司績效之影響:大陸上市公司之實證 CEO Duality, Financial Decision on Corporate Performance: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms
興櫃轉上市櫃電子業公司之EPS分析 An Analysis on EPS of the Electronics Industry IPO Firms