東吳中文學報 Soochow Journal of Chinese Studies |
201805 (35期)期所有篇 |
- 論《文心雕龍》「雜」之觀念與「雜文」 A study of Za and Za-Wen in Literature Mind and Carving of Dragon
- 近體詩歌辭情外的聲情美感探論 A probe into the aesthetics of sound of metrical poetry
- 〈九日藍田崔氏莊〉與〈登高〉的古今選評比較──兼論當代唐詩選本之選詩特色 Comparison between Ancient and ModernCommentaries and Selection of “Chiu Jih Lan TienTsui Shih Chuang” and “Deng Gao”—Concurrently on the Poetry SelectionCharacteristics of Modern Selection of Tang Poetry
- 蘇軾詠茶詩及其茶禪研究──以唐代詠茶詩為映襯的觀察 Study on Su Shi’s Tea Poetry and his Tea Zen with Tang Tea Culture served as a background
- 左輔詞析論 Analysis of Tso Fu’s Ci Poetry
- 世紀末的城市魅影:論《恐怖時代》的身體裂變、幻異時空與邊緣敘事 Urban Shadow at the Turn of the Century –Analyzing Time of Terror Based on Bodily Changes,Illusionary Time and Space, and MarginalNarration