英文摘要 |
The discussions about the ci poetry revival occurring in the QingDynasty have been focused on the standpoints and opinions of variousschools of ci poetry for long. However, since the background that theChangzhou and West Zhejiang schools of ci poetry were in their transitionsof prosperity and depression at that time, we need to pay attention to the cipoets of the Qianlong period. The ci poems of Tso Fu were not collected inthe Complete Ci-poetry of the Qing Dynasty from Yongzheng to Qianlong.Nowadays, Tso Fu’s Nian wan zhai ci chao and Nian wan zhai ci qu arecompiled in the Qing dai shi wen ji hui bian; the former is a collection ofci poetry with scholars’ comments and the latter a gongchepu (or gongchenotation, a traditional musical notation method) used to collect one moresupplementary ci poem of Tso Fu. The ci poems of Tso Fu were writtenaround Qianlong 50 (1785) and were earlier than the poetry opinions of theChangzhou school of ci poetry. Divided into three classifications, objectchanting,history commemoration, and sentimentation about current affairs,the implications of Tso Fu’s ci poems were explored in the current study.Through the criticisms referred to, since they did not have the commonshortcomings of the ci poems prior to his in his contemporary ci poetryfield and met the ideas submitted by the Changzhou school of ci poetrylater on, it was found that the ci poems of Tso Fu were initiatial. In thecurrent study, his ci poems were researched from the angle of referring to.Although the ci poems of Jiang Kui were more referred to, the style oflucidity was not on purpose in his seek. In this study, his ci poems wereinvestigated in terms of notation rhythm at last and it was found that most of the sentence rhythms of his ci poems did not conform to the old notationsas well as were made based on the meanings sometimes and not inavoidance of use of popular forms of characters. And it was thereforejudged that the standpoint of Tso Fu’s ci poems was absolutely differentfrom that of the West Zhejiang school of ci poetry. In this study, Tso Fu’sci poems were explored from various angles and were expected tosupplement the researches on the ci poetry of the Qing Dynasty. |