戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
202406 (37:2期)期所有篇 |
- 休閒的蛻變:臺灣社會變遷下的幸福感兼論生活品質的調節效果 The Metamorphosis of Leisure and Recreation: Well-being Health under Social Change in Taiwan and the Moderating Effect of Quality of Life
- 當您購買旅遊產品時是否會發生從眾行為?以社會影響觀點探討之:兼論涉與衝動性特質之調節效果 Are Consumers Influenced by Conformity Behavior When Purchasing Tourism Products? An Investigation into Social Influence and the Moderating Effect of Involvement and Impulsive Traits
- Litton7:Litton視覺景觀分類深度學習模型 Litton7: A Deep Learning Model for the Visual Landscape Classification of Litton
- 後疫情時期永續旅遊發展新策略:以豪華旅遊為例 Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period with an Emphasis on Luxury Tourism