戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
202303 (36:1期)期所有篇 |
- 完賽就是勝利!休閒型鐵人之參賽歷程體驗 Whoever Finishes Will Be a Winner! Recreational Triathletes’ Experiences of Competition Participation
- 康養旅遊地評估指標研究──以中國漳州市為例 Hierarchical Evaluation Framework for Health and Wellness Destination: A Case in Zhangzhou, China
- 森林散步與泡湯對生心理健康促進效益之比較 Comparison of the Effects of Forest Walking and Hot Spring Bathing on Physiological and Mental Health
- 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎對民眾參與運動行為意圖之影響 A Study on the Factors Influencing a Population’s Intention to Exercise During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using a Behavioral Intention Model