戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
201703 (30:1期)期所有篇 |
- 應用馬可夫鏈於瞳位凝視移轉分析 Application of Markov Chain to Fixation Transition Analysis
- 比較中國大陸、歐美來台旅客之遊憩衝突與調適行為——以日月潭國家風景區為例 Compare the Differences of Recreation Conflict and Coping Behavior Models between “ Mainland China Tourists” and “European and American” Tourists: A Case Study of Sun Moon Lake
- 構築旅遊地景觀體驗之模型——以澎湖群島為例 Constructing Landscape Experience Model of Tourism Destination: A Case of Penghu Islands
- 歌仔戲迷休閒態度、休閒動機與休閒效益之研究—─以台灣北部地區為例 A Study on the Relationships among Taiwanese Opera Fans' Leisure Attitude, Leisure Motivation and Leisure Benefits: A Case Study of Northern Taiwan