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Compare the Differences of Recreation Conflict and Coping Behavior Models between “ Mainland China Tourists” and “European and American” Tourists: A Case Study of Sun Moon Lake
作者 郭彰仁 (Chang-Jen Kuo)
本研究基於遊憩衝突理論、生活型態容忍度、目標干擾、遊憩衝 突及調適行為間之關係建構遊客遊憩衝突與調適行為之行為模式,並進一 步比較東西方遊客之行為模式之間的差異。希望作為日後相關管理單位之 參考,以提高觀光遊憩品質。利用結構式問卷,經實地訪問後獲得488份有效樣本(中國大陸地區遊客248,歐美地區遊客240),分析結果顯示: 1.遊憩目標干擾顯著正向影響遊憩衝突。2.遊憩衝突顯著正向影響調適行為。3.歐美與中國大陸遊客在「遊憩目標干擾對遊憩衝突」及「遊憩衝突 對調適行為」之路徑有顯著差異。
The current study was based on the theory of recreational conflict to explore the relationship among goal interference theory for recreation, tolerance of lifestyle, recreational conflict, and coping behavior for overseas visitors. We hope that the recreation conflict and coping behavior model can offer some suggestions for management units to improve recreational quality. Structured questionnaires were used. A total of 488 questionnaire responses were valid (248 Mainland China tourists, and 240 European and American tourists). The results of study show that (1) goal interference for recreation has a significantly positive effect on recreational conflict, (2) recreational conflict has a significantly positive effect on coping behavior, and (3) the two groups of overseas visitors have significant differences in dealing with “goal interference for recreation and recreational conflict” and “recreational conflict and coping behavior”.
起訖頁 27-61
關鍵詞 遊憩目標干擾生活型態容忍度結構方程模式多群組比較 文化差異Goal interference on recreation Tolerance of lifestyle SEM multiple-group analysis Cultural difference
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201703 (30:1期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用馬可夫鏈於瞳位凝視移轉分析
該期刊-下一篇 構築旅遊地景觀體驗之模型——以澎湖群島為例




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