教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development
202109 (17:3期)期所有篇
發展以教師對話為取向之數學課堂教學研究分析架構 Developing an Analytical Framework for Investigating Lesson Study: Taking Teacher Talk as an Approach
英語授課一定會降低大學課程的教學評量嗎?一個縱貫性個案研究 Do University EMI Courses Inevitably Lead to Worse Teaching Evaluations? A Longitudinal Case Study
青年的過度教育:基於PIAAC數據的跨國比較分析 Over-Education of Youth Generation in OECD Countries: The Comparative Study Based on PIAAC
家庭關係對於國中生外向性偏差行為與學業適應問題之影響:以憂鬱情緒與認同非法手段為中介 The Effects of Family Relationship on External Deviant Behaviors and Academic Problems Among Junior High School Students: Depression, and Illegitimate Means as Mediators