教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
201906 (15:2期)期所有篇 |
- 環境教育議題融入課程的回顧與展望 Review and Foresight for the Curriculum Integration of Environmental Education
- 以教習劇場深化學生全球議題之探究與理解―以快時尚議題為焦點 Using TIE to Deepen Students’ Inquiry and Understanding of Global Issues: Focus on Fast Fashion Issues
- 國語文補救教學長期介入對低年級低成就學生的影響 The Effect of a Long-Term Chinese Reading Intervention Program on Primary Grade Students’ Reading Growth
- 隱喻影像之視覺意象認知及其藝術教育意涵 Cognition of Visual Imagery and Art Education Implication about Metaphoric Images