教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
201112 (7:4期)期所有篇 |
- 潛在調節徑路模型的模型設定 Model Specification of Latent Moderated Path Model
- 階層線性模式路徑圖與策略化模型建構機制 A Six-Step Standardized Model Development Strategy for Hierarchical Linear Model
- 學習動機和有效認知負荷對外語學習表現之影響 Motivation, Germane Cognitive Load, and Task Performance in Foreign Language Learning
- 「高職學生學業動機調節量表」構念效度驗證之研究 Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Construct Validity of the Academic Motivational Regulation Scale for Taiwan Vocational High School Students
- 協同改進而生的矛盾:中學──大學夥伴關係的轉化與再生 Contradictions Derived from Collaboration: Transformations and Regenerations through University-School Partnership in Remote Schools
- 指導教授與研究生間關係結合的型態及其效果 The Types and Effects of Relational Bonds between Advisor and Graduate Student
- 臺灣的大學類科之教育收益研究:擴充會減少收益嗎? Analysis of the Returns to Higher Education in Taiwan:Does the Expansion lower the Return?
- 跨學科教師發展統整課程之個案研究 A Case Study on Interdisciplinary Teachers Developing an Integrated Curriculum