中文摘要 |
Since the 1980, university-school partnership has become a synonym of combiningtheory and practice, one that is regarded as a panaceum for school improvement. Hence,the Center for Educational Research and Evaluation (CERE) of National Taiwan NormalUniversity (NTNU) in 2008 set up a project called “Evaluation for Systemic SchoolDevelopment (EFSSD)”. The EFSSD project was expected to help schools by raising theircapacity of identifying and defining school problems and then developing action plans forimprovement. A model of cyclic actions of evaluating-diagnosing-planning-improving(EDPI) was adopted for facilitating sustainable improvement. In order to investigatetransformation and regeneration in this partnership, this paper drew on the ActivityTheory proposed by Engeström as the theoretical framework to examine collaborationsand interactions taking place in the joint enterprise of school improvement. According tothe the findings, the inner contradictions in the university were the fragementation of tworesearch teams and the incoordination within division; the inner contradictions in schoolswere different external expectations and the inutility of action plans. In addition, thedivergent perception and interpretation of the object in this project also had limited effectson school self-improvement. The purpose of this study was to provide a basis for furtherresearch and university-school partnership in Taiwan through two-year project. |