中文摘要 |
近年來,臺灣的高等教育擴充相當快,因而高等教育畢業生的教育收益情形是值得分析的議題。本研究以Mincer(1974)提出的薪資所得模型,來分析臺灣的大學程度以上畢業生之教育收益,研究中以最小平方法(Ordinary Least Squares)進行實證分析。本研究使用行政院主計處(1990,2008)的人力資源調查資料,對臺灣的大學程度以上之類科教育收益情形發現:證實臺灣的大學生之人力資本存量估算結果與Mincer提出的模式一樣;同時臺灣的高等教育學生之教育收益率,並沒有因為高等教育擴充而下降,反而增加了畢業生的教育收益,尤其在文科、商管與教育類科的教育收益有增加,而理、農及醫學類科則下降。此外,男性及已婚的勞動者有較高的薪資所得,居住在都會區者沒有明顯較高;而女性大學程度以上畢業生的教育收益比男性高;男性在各類科的教育收益率最高為醫學,最低為教育類科;女生則以法學類科最高,醫學類科最低。
In recent years, the higher education has expanded fast in Taiwan. However, thereturns to higher education are worth analysis. In order to investigate returns to educationof different courses of studies in higher education in Taiwan, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)were used to examine the returns to education. Data were adopted from the ManpowerUtilization Survey issued by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics(1990, 2008). The results were as following: Using the Mincer’s wage equation to estimatethe different department of higher education was confirmed in Taiwan data. Besides, thereturns to higher education did not decrease for the higher education expansion, and itincreased instead, especially for the faculties of law, management and education. However,the returns to higher education for engineering, agriculture and biomedical subjectsdecreased. Male wages were higher than that of female as well as the wages of marriedwere higher than of unmarried. Finally, the returns to education for female were higherthan that for male. The highest returns to education for male were in biomedical subjectsand education had the lowest. In turn, the highest returns to education for female offeredlaw and the lowest were in biomedical subjects. |