人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
202403 (18:1期)期所有篇 |
- 福澤諭吉「國民論」的疏漏與補救以及對公民教育的啟發 The Oversights and Remedies of Fukuzawa Yukichi’s“Theory of Nationalism Citizen”and the Inspiration for Civic Education
- 經濟感知對民主滿意與支持的影響:網路使用的干擾效果之探討 The Impact of Economic Perceptions on Democratic Satisfaction and Support: The Moderating Impact of Internet Usage
- 探討香港反送中運動的社交媒體動員與文宣內容效果 Exploring Social Media Mobilization, Brochure Content, and the Effects of Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement
- 究竟是什麼樣的棘手問題?不確定性類型在畜牧廢水治理實踐分析中的應用 What Kind of Wicked Problem? Applying Uncertainty Typology in Livestock Wastewater Management Practice Analysis