人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
201906 (13:2期)期所有篇 |
- 媒介化反婚姻平權聖戰:網路民族誌初探 Mediatization of the Counter-Movement of Marriage Equality Movement: A Digital Ethnography Study
- 客家地方特色產業的蛻變:以內埔花生豆腐為例 Evolution of a Hakka Local Characteristic Industry: Using Peanut Tofu of Neipu as an Example
- 趙秉文豪放詞探析:論「蘇學行於北」對趙詞之影響 The Study on the Powerful and Free Style in Zhao Bing Wen's Poems: The Effect of ‘Suism Prevailed in the North' on Zhao's Poetry
- 《左傳》盟誓用玉研究 Research on Jade for Oath of Alliance in Zuo zhuan