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The Study on the Powerful and Free Style in Zhao Bing Wen's Poems: The Effect of ‘Suism Prevailed in the North' on Zhao's Poetry
作者 石學翰
「蘇學」固然盛行於北,並在金源詞史上成為蔡松年、吳激、趙秉文……等眾多學者喜愛模仿文學史上的詞家。然而其中趙秉文詞作受時人稱頌,郝經以「金源一代一坡仙」讚美之,由此知趙詞接受東坡詞的影響之深,但若可以就趙之「豪放詞」格律與氣象詳細探論,或可細部釐清此說,並可稍爬梳豪放詞派自北宋至金的脈絡。本文以蔡松年為金代詞壇學蘇重要的推手,而趙秉文則為學蘇的能手,然趙之仕途坎坷,或更能體會蘇詞況味,進而創為己調,成為「不拘於格,仙氣浩渺」的特殊詞學風格。 ‘Suism', which was founded by Su Dong Po, truly prevailed in the north, and Jin Yuan poetry had been become Cai Songnian, Wu Ji, Zhao Bingwen……etc. Of the favorite literary history Literary writer liked to imitate by many scholars. Among those poems, Zhao Bing Wen's poems were accepted more compliments; Hao Jing even praised Zhao as the ‘Su Dong Po in Jin Yuan', which could understand the great impact of Dong Po's poetry on Zhao. However, in terms of the rules and styles of Zhao's poems, the researcher could detailed clarify the above compliment and explain the sequence of the powerful and free style poems from northern Song to Jing Dynasty. This study regarded Cai Song Nian as the important poetic pushing hand of Suism admirer in Jing Dynasty, and Zhao Bing Wen also was a master for learning Su Shi's poems. Zhao Bing Wen, nevertheless, had more rough and rugged paths during his official career. He might experience bold style of Su's poems, and integrated into his own special poetic style, which was out of the box, broadly and faintly existed like in heaven.
起訖頁 50-70
關鍵詞 金詞趙秉文滏水詞豪放詞蘇學北行Jin poetryZhao Bing WenFu Shui poetrypoems with powerful and free styleSuism prevailed in the north
刊名 人文社會科學研究  
期數 201906 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-上一篇 客家地方特色產業的蛻變:以內埔花生豆腐為例
該期刊-下一篇 《左傳》盟誓用玉研究




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