審計辦公室產能、審計相關特徵與審計定價 Audit Office Capacity, Audit-Related Characteristics, and Audit Pricing
獨立董事連結關係與查核會計師簽證網絡關係是否會影響企業之應計項目盈餘管理行為? Does the Social Ties of Independent Director and the Audit Partner's Engagement Networks Affect Accrual- Based Earnings Management?
家族控制公司、董監事暨重要職員責任保險與衍生性金融商品使用程度 Family-Controlled Firms, Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance Coverage, and the Use of Derivatives
公司治理評鑑機制對公司績效及關鍵查核事項揭露之影響:董事會政治連結的調節效果 The Influence of Corporate Governance Evaluation Mechanism on Firm Performance and Key Audit Matters Disclosure: The Moderating Effect of Board Political Connections