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Audit Office Capacity, Audit-Related Characteristics, and Audit Pricing
作者 余駿展
參採經濟學機會成本之觀念,本研究發現所使用之衡量審計辦公室產能之連續性變數─屬於正常審計工作之未使用產能(簡稱未使用產能)--與審計公費呈現負向關聯,且此變數相較於傳統的審計產能變數(亦即,受查客戶是否在12 月結束其會計年度),更能捕捉機會成本的變動性質。實證結果亦證實前述負向關聯,在新承接客戶部分是更強的。另外,本研究發現具備較佳產能管理能力(以辦公室規模做為代理變數)的審計辦公室,可以降低未使用產能所造成於尖峰及非尖峰時期的機會成本差異,因而使未使用產能與審計公費之關聯性消失。然而,本研究並未發現前述負向關聯之強度,在四大和非四大會計師事務所之客戶間有所差異,此可能代表決定審計辦公室產能管理能力之決定因素,係在辦公室規模,而非事務所品牌。
Referring to the economic concept of opportunity costs, this study finds that a continuous measure of audit office capacity─unused capacity pertaining to normal audit tasks─is negatively associated with audit fees, and this measure better captures the varying nature of opportunity costs than the traditional measure (i.e., whether a client firm ends its fiscal year in December) does. Empirical results also verify the negative association between unused capacity and audit fees is magnified for new clients. Further, I find that better capacity management capability, as proxied by large audit offices, can decrease the difference in opportunity costs caused by unused capacity between the peak/non-peak period, making the association between unused capacity and audit fees disappears. However, I find no evidence that the effect of unused capacity on audit fees is different between Big 4 and non-Big 4 auditees, which may suggest that it is the office size rather than the brand of audit firms that determines auditors’ capacity management capabilities.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 機會成本未使用產能審計公費Opportunity costsUnused capacityAudit fees
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 202306 (13:1期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-下一篇 獨立董事連結關係與查核會計師簽證網絡關係是否會影響企業之應計項目盈餘管理行為?




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