會計審計論叢 Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies |
201812 (8:2期)期所有篇 |
- 會計師事務所規模對於信用評等與揭露水準之影響 Credit Rating, Disclosure Level, and the Financial Reporting Quality of Big 4 vs. Non-Big 4 Audits
- 探討內部治理機制、會計師聲譽與會計師更換之關係 Exploring the relationship between internal governance mechanism, accountant reputation and accountant replacement
- 家族企業的監督水準與績效關聯性 The Relation between Monitoring for Family Firm and Performance
- 採用國際會計準則與資訊透明度評等制度對國外基金投資的影響:考慮產業技術 Impact of the IFRS and IDTRS Mandate on Foreign Mutual Fund Investment: Role of Industry Technology