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Exploring the relationship between internal governance mechanism, accountant reputation and accountant replacement
作者 黃劭彥陳俊志吳東憲林鈺潔
本研究係針對臺灣88年到103年間所爆發的簽證會計師財務報導舞弊案件,及其同時查核其他家上市、櫃客戶公司之角度為出發點,探討該聲譽受損簽證會計師之其他簽證受查客戶之內部治理機制良窳,是否會因為簽證會計師事務所、簽證會計師聲譽受損而進行更換之情形,並進一步研究更換該會計師時間點的早晚。實證結果顯示:(一)更換簽證會計師事務所方面:當公司的監察人質押比率越低、股份席次偏離比越低、有獨立董事機制、有設置審計委員會、董監事持股比率越低及有董事長兼任總經理之情況時,越會更換聲譽毀損之會計師事務所;(二)更換簽證會計師個人方面:當公司的股份席次偏離比越低時、有獨立董事機制、有設置審計委員會及有董事長兼任總經理之情況時,越會將聲譽受損之簽證會計師汰換掉;(三)更換會計師個人時間點方面:當公司的董事質押比率越低、股份席次偏離比越低、有獨立董事機制、有設置審計委員會及董監事持股比率越低時,越會於財報舞弊案件見報日後四季內更換聲譽有汙點之會計師,而不會延宕於後一四季才進行更換。此外,本文亦進行敏感性測試,同樣支持原本之推論。 Nowadays, there are a series of Financial Statements frauds in Taiwan. This paper investigates the role of Internal Governance Mechanism on the CPA firm switch, CPA switch and further discusses the timing of the auditor switch by former clients. According to the empirical results, we find (a) the condition that Switching CPA Firm with damage to reputation when the lower the pledged shares ratio of supervisors, the setting audit committee, the lower the deviation between control shareholder's seat proportion and minority shareholder's seat proportion, corporate with independent directors, Shareholding ratio of directors and supervisors or Chairman and concurrently general manager. (b) the condition that Switching CPA with tainted reputation when the lower the deviation between control shareholder's seat proportion and minority shareholder's seat proportion, the setting audit committee or corporate with independent directors or Chairman and concurrently general manager. (c) the condition that corporate with better governance are likely to switch CPA earlier when the lower the pledged shares ratio of directors or the lower the deviation between control shareholder's seat proportion and minority shareholder's seat proportion, the setting audit committee or corporate with independent directors. Finally, various sensitivity tests are conducted and the results are consistent.
起訖頁 31-73
關鍵詞 財報舞弊內部治理機制會計師聲譽會計師更換fraudcorporate governanceauditor reputationauditor switch
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 201812 (8:2期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 會計師事務所規模對於信用評等與揭露水準之影響
該期刊-下一篇 家族企業的監督水準與績效關聯性




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