以申報標準代碼探討申報疾病組合之有效性:案例式推論及資料探勘之應用 Investigate the efficiency of using DRGs in disease alignments applications: Case-Based Reasoning and Data Mining methods
醫療院所同意書類型與電子簽署之探討 A Study on Categories of Medical Consent and Digital Signature in Hospital
門診醫師對電子病歷系統使用重要性認知與滿意度之研究――以高雄某市立醫院為例 Research on the importance of awareness and satisfaction of physicians use electronic medical records system - a Kaohsiung City Hospital Case
住院中編碼回饋經驗分享――某醫學中心為例 Coding Experiences of Inpatients- A medical center as an example