社會科學論叢 Journal of Social Sciences |
202306 (17:1期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣大學生孝道觀念、奉養父母態度與影響因素之研究 A Study on The Factors Associated with Filial Piety and Adoptive Parents Attitude of College Students in Taiwan
- 冠狀病毒的避免群聚與非藥物性防疫措施影響因素──以2003年臺灣SARS疫情為例 Determinants of Personal Behaviors of Crowd Avoidance and Non-pharmaceutical Interventions Against Coronavirus Disease - The Case of 2003 SARS Epidemic in Taiwan
- 身心障礙福利機構照服員情緒勞務與工作倦怠關連性之研究:以社會支持為調節變數 A Research on the Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Job Burnout of Nursing Assistants in Welfare Agencies for People with Disabilities: Social Support as a Moderator