臺灣師大歷史學報 Bulletin of Historical Research |
201606 (55期)期所有篇 |
- 先秦「九州」說及其對後世的影響--從兩漢刺史部到唐代地理文獻編纂 The "Jiuzhou" Concept in the Pre-Qin Period and Its Impact on the Later Generations: From the Department of Prefectural Governor in the Han Dynasty to the Geography Literature Compilation in the Tang Dynasty
- 五至七世紀的攝山佛教與僧俗網絡 The Development of Buddhism in Mt. Sheshan from the Fifth to Seventh Centuries
- 臺南陳德聚堂「翰藻生華」匾內容考辨 A Study of the Historical Inscribed Board Placed in the "Tik-Tsu Hall" (德聚堂) at Tainan
- 聯合國中的交鋒:1950年中國控訴美國侵略臺灣案研究 The Cold War in the United Nations: A Case Study of China's Accusation of the United States' Invasion of Taiwan in 1950
- 納粹種族衛生概念的視覺化--常民肖像為例 The Visualization of the Ideology of the Nazi Racial Hygiene- The Portrait of the Commoners
- 評介閻步克《服周之冕:《周禮》六冕禮制的興衰變異》