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The Visualization of the Ideology of the Nazi Racial Hygiene- The Portrait of the Commoners
作者 郭秀鈴
In terms of documenting "reality", portrait paintings are much easier to be manipulated than portrait photography. Despite of the attempt of "authentically" recording the appearance and characteristics of the sitter, portrait paintings do not neutrally reflect the reality. They carry unconsciously the codes that formulate the aesthetic ideal of the community. When this media is employed to portray the commoners, the content and purposes of the artworks were different from the conventional portrait painting. In western art history, we could find that head portraits were often executed without background depictions and were presented in an exactly identical way as the studies of physiognomy. Physiognomy in the 18^(th) century was largely recognized as a branch of scientific knowledge. The system of knowledge was used by Nazi portrait painters to combine "scientific" knowledge with "objective" observations, to formulate a new ideal of aesthetic, and to provide strong visual materials for Nazi racial theory. By examining the relationship among the aesthetics (Romantic Realism), scientific knowledge (physiognomy), and ideology (racial theory), this article attempts to tease out how the concept of an ideal human race in the Nazi racial theory was legitimized and accepted through the visual media of portraiture.
起訖頁 185-236
關鍵詞 納粹黨肖像畫面相學種族衛生NazismPortraiturePhysiognomyRacial Hygiene
刊名 臺灣師大歷史學報  
期數 201606 (55期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 聯合國中的交鋒:1950年中國控訴美國侵略臺灣案研究
該期刊-下一篇 評介閻步克《服周之冕:《周禮》六冕禮制的興衰變異》




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