醫療品質雜誌 Journal of Healthcare Quality |
202311 (17:6期)期所有篇 |
- 人體生物資料庫管理條例之修法芻議 Examining the Proposed Revisions to the Human Biobank Management Act
- 人體生物資料庫於全球之發展趨勢 Global Development Trends of Biobanks
- 國網中心於執行醫療大數據相關計畫之角色 The Roles of the National Center for High-performance Computing in Projects Involving Health-Care Big Data
- 人體生物資料庫之知情同意與參與者保護:現在與未來 Informed consent and participant protection in human biodatabases: present and future
- 健康數據創新之門 The Doors to Health Data Innovation
- 利用機器學習精準搜尋並智慧分案以提升癌登個案篩選效能 Enhancing Cancer Case Screening Efficiency through Machine Learning for Accurate Search and Intelligent Allocation
- 透過名義團體法建置臺灣營養師次核心能力 Establishing Sub-Competencies and Promoting the Professional Identity of Dietitians in Taiwan through the Nominal Group Technique
- 手部感染概述與預防 Overview and Prevention of Hand Infections
- 建構性別友善的醫療環境 Construct a gender-friendly medical environment