醫事法學 Journal of Law and Medicine |
201912 (24:1/2期)期所有篇 |
- 「醫療事故」的死亡與再生 Death and Regeneration of ''Medical Accident''
- 論「病人自主權利法」於現行醫療法制上存在之必要性 Discussion about the Need to Autonomy Right of Patient Autonomy Act Implementation on 2019 in Current Medication Law in Taiwan Society
- 論醫病關係與病人自主──以台灣中部某醫學中心為例 A Research of Patient-doctor Relationship and Patient Autonomy; A Medical Center Example in Central Taiwan
- 人工流產之合法要件與期間──以生育自主權為中心 The Legal Elements and Time Limit of Abortion; From the Perspective of Reproductive Rights
- 尋找法學實證的圖像──以醫療糾紛研究為例 Mapping Medical Malpractice Disputes: An Empirical Approach