201712 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 論實質課稅原則與漏稅行政裁罰──最高行政法院102年度判字第121號判決評釋 The Study on the Principle of Substantive Taxation and Administrative Penalty for Tax Evasion: Comment on No. 102 Judgment (2013) of the Supreme Administrative Court
- 論遺傳資源與傳統知識之取得與惠益分享原則 Access and Benefit-Sharing of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
- 有限合夥法之設立初探 The Investigation of the Establishment of Limited Partnership Act
- 從財產權理論淺析都市停車議題──以台北市路邊停車場制度為例 Analysis of City Car Park from Property Right Theory–Take the roadside parking system in Taipei as an example
- 臺灣預立醫療照護諮商之重要性、挑戰與風險管理研究 A Study of Advance Care Planning's Importance, Challenges and Risk Management in Taiwan