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Access and Benefit-Sharing of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
作者 林孟玲
近來由於氣候變遷以及人類濫墾濫伐等等掠奪自然資源的行為,所造成的生物多樣性喪失,已經危及人類自身永續生存的權利,使得促進生物多樣性的議題受到極大重視。此外,已開發國家的研究者或生技公司到開發中國家掠奪自然資源、取得專利權,卻未經當地居民的同意以及利益分享,使當地居民遭受極大損失。此外,生物剽竊議題,亦與生物多樣性促進高度相關。關於保護生物多樣性的國際公約,首推1992年的生物多樣性公約。本文旨在闡釋生物多樣性公約的第三大目標:取得與惠益分享原則及其三個子原則:資源主權原則、告知後同意原則、惠益分享原則;並評釋關於此原則的兩個草案:遺傳資源法草案、原住民族傳統生物多樣性知識保護條例草案。最後,本文提出,為落實遺傳資源與傳統知識之保護,必須加強教育在地居民與研究者關於遺傳資源與傳統知識之取得與惠益分享觀念,並且落實在地居民之參與工作,如此方能真正有助於生物多樣性之促進。 In recent years, climate change and undue exploitation of nature resources have caused serious biodiversity loss and endangered life sustainability. Therefore, biodiversity promotion has been a significant issue. Also, biopiracy threatens biodiversity, that is, researchers and biotech-companies from developed countries took genetic and natural resources and traditional knowledge and gained patent rights from developing countries without informed consent procedure and benefit-sharing. To promote biodiversity, this article mainly elaborates access and benefit-sharing principle in 1992 Biodiversity Convention, including sovereignty over natural resources, informed consent doctrine, and benefit-sharing principle. Finally, the author suggests that in order to promote biodiversity, it is necessary to educate researchers, explorers and local residents about access and benefit-sharingprinciple and let local residents and indigenous peoples participate in any development work.
起訖頁 51-92
關鍵詞 生物多樣性生物剽竊生物多樣性公約資源主權原則告知後同意原則惠益分享原則biodiversitybiopiracyBiodiversity Conventionsovereignty over natural resourcesinformed consent procedureaccess and benefit-sharing principle
刊名 嶺東財經法學  
期數 201712 (10期)
出版單位 嶺東科技大學財經法律所
該期刊-上一篇 論實質課稅原則與漏稅行政裁罰──最高行政法院102年度判字第121號判決評釋
該期刊-下一篇 有限合夥法之設立初探




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