興大法學 Chung-Hsing University Law Review |
201511 (18期)期所有篇 |
- 論依法課稅原則之解釋方法──對歷年來司法院大法官解釋的觀察(下) The Method of Interpretation of the Principle of Taxation by Law: A Review of the Judicial Interpretations of the Judicial Yuan (2)
- 國家賠償訴訟回歸行政訴訟審判權之研究 A Study on the Trial of State Compensation under the Administrative Procedure
- 民法第972條等規定未允許同性婚姻合憲性之探討 The Constitutionality of the Same-sex Marriage Bans under Article 972, 973, 980 of the Civil Code
- 環境風險與環境刑法之保護法益 Environmental Risks and the Legal Interest of the Environmental Criminal Act